

Testing is the activity consisting of the cohesive collection of all tasks that are primarily performed to determine the quality of executable work products (e.g., model, software, and application) by attempting to cause them to fail under controlled conditions so that any existing and underlying defects may be identified, corrected, and avoided in the future.


The typical goals of testing are to:


The typical objectives of testing are to:

Examples (Kinds of Testing)

The testing activity typically includes several of the following testing subactivities (i.e., kinds of testing):


The typical testing activity typically involves producers performing the following testing tasks:

Although typically initiated by testing, the following are not part of the testing activity:


The testing activity involves the following producers performing the following kinds of testing in an incremental, iterative, parallel, and time-boxed manner:

Work Products

The testing activity results in the production of all or part of the following work products:


Testing tasks are typically performed during the following phases:
