Glossary - V

the quality control and testing tasks and techniques used to determine if a work product (either an application or one of its components) conforms to its specified requirements, including operational, quality, interface, and design constraints. Validation determines if the "correct" work product was produced.
Contrast with verification.
Examples include system tests and launch tests.
validation criterion
a quantitative measurement of a requirement that can be used to determine whether or not an implementation fulfills the requirement.
vendor organization
an organization that that provides Commercial-Of-The-Shelf (COTS) products (e.g., data, software, or hardware components) to the development organization for a fee or in exchange for services.
vendor representative
the role that is played when a person officially represents a vendor organization in interactions with members of other organizations during an endeavor.
the quality control and testing tasks and techniques used to incrementally and iteratively determine if a work product is complete and consistent with its inputs (work products and stakeholder statements) and its associated conventions (e.g., standards, templates, and inspection checklists). Verification determines if the work product was produced correctly.
Contrast with validation.
Examples include document inspections, unit tests, and integration tests.
1) to demonstrate if a work product is consistent with its input work products and associated conventions.
2) to demonstrate that the work product was produced correctly.
a uniquely identified complete release or re-release of a work product at a specific point in time.
version control
the configuration management task of managing multiple versions of work products, that may or may not also be configuration items.
video artist
the role that is played when a person creates or obtains new video content for one or more applications.
VisualBasic coding standards
coding standards for the VisualBasic programming language.
visual modeling language
a language used to produce graphic (e.g., object, process) models.
the estimated probability that a requirement will change before the current version of the application will be delivered.
1) a portal that provides a voice interface.
2) a portal dedicated to a single application domain (e.g., healthcare, shopping).