Quality Model


Quality Model
a model work product that formalizes the definition of the term “quality” as used during an endeavor.


Quality Model in the OPF Method Component Inheritance Hierarchy

As illustrated in the preceding figure, Quality Model is part of the following inheritance hierarchy:


The typical responsibilities of a quality model are to:


The typical contents of a quality model include:

Quality Factors (a.k.a., Quality Attributes, Quality Characteristics, “ilities”)
Important attributes, characteristics, or properties of a work product (e.g., application, component, model, or document) or process that characterize a part of its overall quality
Quality Subfactors
Important parts of quality factors or other quality subfactors
Quality Criteria
Specific descriptions of something that provides evidence either for or against the existence of a specific quality factor or subfactor
Quality Measures
Measures that provide numerical values estimating the quality of a work product or process by measuring the degree to which the work product or process possess a specific quality factor

The relationship beween the components of the quality model and related items is illustrated by the following:

Components of a quality model


The typical stakeholders of a quality model are:


A quality model is typically developed during the following phases:


A quality model can typically be started if the following preconditions hold:


The typical inputs to a quality model include:



A quality model is typically constrained by the following conventions:
